Vitiligo is a common skin disease, it has a chronic and progressive course, marked by skin rashes deficient (hypochromia) or without (achromasia) melanin pigment; blobs, they appear with a shade of color from pink to white milk, with net margins often hyperpigmented, which highlight the contrast with the normal surrounding skin. These patches can be localized or generalized and affect any part of the body.
It can occur at any age, although in 50% of cases it occurs before age 20. Its onset is independent of gender, skin color and hair of those affected. The body distribution of spots is still subject to extreme individual variability.


Statistically, according to the World Health Organization, vitiligo affects over 1% of the world population (in Italy, for example., People with vitiligo are about 1,000,000) no differences are noted concerning geographical, racial or sex factors.
It 'a disease rarely present at birth, so it’s considered as an acquired disease, although it is possible the event since the first days of life. In about 13-15% of cases it has a family trend.

Is it a contagious disease?

Vitiligo is almost always progressive and does not spontaneously heal except in very rare cases; however, it is a painless dermatoses, not contagious and absolutely benign: it does not affect the general state of health, but it can be psychologically and socially debilitating due to the clinical imperfections almost always extended and very obvious. Its presence may, in some cases, be an indicator of associated autoimmune disorders (eg. Thyroiditis, chronic autoimmune gastritis, autoimmune diabetes, diabetes).


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