It is an inflammatory condition of the skin, determined by the immune response against certain foreign substances, calls '' allergens ''. All this triggers symptoms related to inflammation of the skin.

The causes

The causes of allergic dermatitis remain in the contact between the skin and the allergen. Already at the first contact the cells of the immune system become sensitized. For all further contact with the allergen, dermatitis, with its characteristic set of symptoms, will always appears earlier. Typically the lesions occur in areas in contact with the substance against which the reaction takes place. In any case it is possible to see an extension of inflammation in areas beyond the ones in direct contact with the allergen.
The allergens may be various: metals, perfumes and substances found in cosmetics (in particular nickel, cobalt and chromium). All this means that different objects can trigger an allergic reaction: jewelry, accessories like belts, scissors, glasses, concrete products, etc.


The symptoms of allergic dermatitis consist of cutaneous manifestations. The affected areas are show intense itching, which is present in all cases, irritation and inflammation with redness of the skin and swelling, and the formation of vesicles often associated with scabs. In some weeping and neglected cases, they may develop bacterial infections.

The treatment

The treatment of allergic dermatitis can not be separated from prevention, which should be to avoid, as far as possible, the contact with a certain allergen, against which the body has shown a certain awareness.
For many substances it is easy to avoid contact, for others it becomes more. In this case you have to resort, under medical prescription, to corticosteroids, to be applied topically.
For accurate prevention of the problem and also better management, a patch test should be performed to help in the orientation of the diagnosis of the disease. Some disks are placed in contact with the skin for 48 hours. Then a clinical evaluation leads to a score based on redness, swelling and itching to determine positivity.


For further information or appointment, please contact our clinics in Beirut, Lebanon.