Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disorder that affects areas particularly rich in sebaceous glands, such as the hairline, scalp, eyebrows, sides of the nose, creases behind the ears and, in men, chest. In rare cases it can also occur in the armpits, groin, on the breasts and in the crease between the buttocks.
The skin areas affected by the disease are red, desquamated and in some cases occurs the formation of yellow-colored crusts, covered with an oily film.
The lesions are often itchy, so the patient is tempted to scratch, worsening the situation.
When the lesions affecting the scalp are hidden under hair, the abundant presence of dandruff can still be a clear sign of the disease.
In most cases it could be very itchy and elimination of dandruff can result difficult.
Skin affected by SD shows an alteration of sebum, the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands, whose function is to soften and protect the skin from the external aggression. This substance is produced in excess, favoring the proliferation of a microscopic fungus, Pityrosporum ovale, also called "Malassezia furfur", which feeds precisely from the sebum. It results in a proliferation of the Malassezia causing redness and inflammation.
Subsequently the flaking occurs because in some areas of the skin there is an accelerated renewal of the skin cells, a procedure that usually occurs constantly and imperceptibly.
Because of the itching, the affected person tends also to scratch, stimulating thus further sebum production and worsening the situation by creating a vicious cycle.
The treatments are important in both phases of "attack" and maintenance. Among these derivatives antimycotics are administered topically and seem to be able to control the dermatosis without rebound effects, other used drugs are the steroids, albeit for short periods, and topical antiinflammatory agents such as zinc oxyde.
In severe forms some general antifungals are administered along with appropriate cycles of zinc sulphate. Not of a less importance are the cosmetic products that should be advised and guided by the dermatologist.

For further information or appointment, please contact our clinics in Beirut, Lebanon.